Fuzhou Social Housing Project in Banqiao, Taiwan

Use Hilti RE 500 SD to reinforce structure

(Image above is  from EPOCH Times website)

The Challenge and Our Solution

In view of the high housing prices in the metropolitan area, Taiwan government has successively launched public housing policy, hoping to curb market prices.

After the earthquake in 2015, some residents of Fuzhou public housing reported cracks on walls and columns, which means the structure had safety concerns. After the evaluation conducted by five major technician associations in Taiwan, the conclusion was that the structure must be reinforced to meet the regulatory requirements.

The major work items for reinforcement can be divided into 11 items, including the connecting beams of the halls, elevator stairwells, and beam columns, which all adopted Hilti RE500 SD chemical anchor (RE 500 SD has now been replaced by new RE 500 V3).

The reinforcement members (concrete, steel plate, and chemical anchor) were first tested by NCREE (National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering), and the lateral displacement and maximum loading were much higher than the strength design requirements. The Ambient Vibration Measurement results after construction are also significantly better than those before construction. This proves that Hilti's high-performance, high-quality chemical anchor combined with steel plates have effectively compensated for the insufficiency of the original structural strength after proper installation. This case has also become the best case study of reinforcement method for residential buildings in Taiwan.

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